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- /* CompilerRoot.h */
- #ifndef Included_CompilerRoot_h
- #define Included_CompilerRoot_h
- /* CompilerRoot module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* PcodeObject */
- /* Memory */
- /* CompilerScanner */
- /* TrashTracker */
- /* CompilerParser */
- /* SymbolTable */
- /* SymbolTableEntry */
- /* ASTExpression */
- /* PromotableTypeCheck */
- /* SymbolList */
- /* CodeCenter */
- /* FunctionCode */
- /* PeepholeOptimizer */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* ASTExpressionList */
- #include "PcodeObject.h"
- /* forwards */
- struct CodeCenterRec;
- struct PcodeRec;
- /* syntactical errors that can occur while compiling */
- typedef enum
- {
- eCompileNoError EXECUTE(= -32412),
- eCompileOutOfMemory,
- eCompileExpectedFuncOrProto,
- eCompileExpectedFunc,
- eCompileExpectedIdentifier,
- eCompileExpectedOpenParen,
- eCompileExpectedCloseParen,
- eCompileExpectedColon,
- eCompileExpectedSemicolon,
- eCompileMultiplyDefinedIdentifier,
- eCompileExpectedTypeSpecifier,
- eCompileExpectedExpressionForm,
- eCompileExpectedColonEqual,
- eCompileExpectedTo,
- eCompileExpectedStringLiteral,
- eCompileExpectedResumable,
- eCompileExpectedWhile,
- eCompileExpectedDo,
- eCompileExpectedUntil,
- eCompileExpectedOpenParenOrEqual,
- eCompileExpectedThen,
- eCompileExpectedWhileOrUntil,
- eCompileExpectedCommaOrCloseParen,
- eCompileExpectedElseOrElseIf,
- eCompileExpectedOperatorOrStatement,
- eCompileExpectedOperand,
- eCompileIdentifierNotDeclared,
- eCompileExpectedRightAssociativeOperator,
- eCompileExpectedOpenBracket,
- eCompileExpectedCloseBracket,
- eCompileExpectedVariable,
- eCompileExpectedArrayType,
- eCompileArraySizeSpecMustBeInteger,
- eCompileTypeMismatch,
- eCompileInvalidLValue,
- eCompileOperandsMustBeScalar,
- eCompileOperandsMustBeSequencedScalar,
- eCompileOperandsMustBeIntegers,
- eCompileRightOperandMustBeInteger,
- eCompileArraySubscriptMustBeInteger,
- eCompileArrayRequiredForSubscription,
- eCompileDoubleRequiredForExponentiation,
- eCompileArrayRequiredForResize,
- eCompileIntegerRequiredForResize,
- eCompileConditionalMustBeBoolean,
- eCompileTypeMismatchBetweenThenAndElse,
- eCompileErrorNeedsBooleanArg,
- eCompileFunctionIdentifierRequired,
- eCompileArgumentTypeConflict,
- eCompileWrongNumberOfArgsToFunction,
- eCompileCantHaveStringLiteralThere,
- eCompileMustBeAVariableIdentifier,
- eCompileOperandMustBeBooleanOrInteger,
- eCompileOperandMustBeDouble,
- eCompileArrayRequiredForGetLength,
- eCompileTypeMismatchInAssignment,
- eCompileVoidExpressionIsNotAllowed,
- eCompileMultiplyDeclaredFunction,
- eCompilePrototypeCantBeLastThingInExprList,
- eCompileInputBeyondEndOfFunction,
- eCompileArrayConstructionOnScalarType
- } CompileErrors;
- /* keywords */
- typedef enum
- {
- eKeywordFunc EXECUTE(= -5112),
- eKeywordProto,
- eKeywordVoid,
- eKeywordBool,
- eKeywordInt,
- eKeywordSingle,
- eKeywordDouble,
- eKeywordFixed,
- eKeywordBoolarray,
- eKeywordIntarray,
- eKeywordSinglearray,
- eKeywordDoublearray,
- eKeywordFixedarray,
- eKeywordVar,
- eKeywordIf,
- eKeywordWhile,
- eKeywordDo,
- eKeywordUntil,
- eKeywordSet,
- eKeywordResize,
- eKeywordTo,
- eKeywordError,
- eKeywordResumable,
- eKeywordNot,
- eKeywordSin,
- eKeywordCos,
- eKeywordTan,
- eKeywordAsin,
- eKeywordAcos,
- eKeywordAtan,
- eKeywordLn,
- eKeywordExp,
- eKeywordSqr,
- eKeywordSqrt,
- eKeywordAbs,
- eKeywordNeg,
- eKeywordSign,
- eKeywordLength,
- eKeywordPi,
- eKeywordTrue,
- eKeywordFalse,
- eKeywordThen,
- eKeywordElse,
- eKeywordElseif,
- eKeywordAnd,
- eKeywordOr,
- eKeywordXor,
- eKeywordDiv,
- eKeywordMod,
- eKeywordGetsampleleft,
- eKeywordGetsampleright,
- eKeywordGetsample,
- eKeywordGetwavenumframes,
- eKeywordGetwavenumtables,
- eKeywordGetwavedata
- } KeywordsType;
- /* this function is used for specifying information about a parameter */
- typedef struct
- {
- char* ParameterName;
- DataTypes ParameterType;
- } FunctionParamRec;
- /* compile a module. a module is a text block with a series of function definitions. */
- /* if compilation succeeds, the functions are added to the CodeCenter object. */
- /* the text data is NOT altered. */
- CompileErrors CompileModule(long* ErrorLineNumber, char* TextData, void* Signature,
- struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter);
- /* return a null terminated static string describing the error. */
- char* GetCompileErrorString(CompileErrors Error);
- /* compile a special function. a special function has no function header, but is */
- /* simply some code to be executed. the parameters the code is expecting are provided */
- /* in the FuncArray[] and NumParams. the first parameter is deepest beneath the */
- /* top of stack. the TextData is NOT altered. if an error occurrs, *FunctionOut */
- /* will NOT contain a valid object */
- CompileErrors CompileSpecialFunction(FunctionParamRec FuncArray[], long NumParams,
- long* ErrorLineNumber, DataTypes* ReturnType, char* TextData,
- struct PcodeRec** FunctionOut);
- #endif